client-agency relationship

Despite a changing landscape, evolving technology and the growing influence of digital and social channels, the formula for a great client­-agency relationship goes back to the basics. It’s not enough to establish a relationship; a lasting partnership must be nurtured to foster growth and ensure longevity.

SEO Strategy Best Practices Concept Illustration

Does your site have common problems like opening at a snail’s pace, or no security? Is your site hard to navigate?  Can your site easily load on a smartphone or tablet?

Repurpose digital content for print

Remember when experts predicted that because of computers and digital content we’d all live in a paperless society? Obviously that hasn’t happened. And even though digital content has exploded, there is still a need for printed materials, and the best source for creating print content is right at your fingertips…your current digital library.

custom landing page concept illustration

An advertising-specific landing page is designed to achieve a marketing outcome, like driving sales or collecting data. When users click, this is where they’ll land.  If you want to turn site visitors into customers, make sure your landing page meets these criteria…

Innovative Advertising Christmas Survey Results

Real tree or artificial? Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? We surveyed the Innovative team to see what makes our employees happy during the holidays.

Innovative’s Senior Video Editor, Rick Nelson, was recently asked by his alma mater, ‘The Factory,’ to write some advice for their current body of film students. Here’s what he had to say.

An open letter to all film students:

Create. Design. Produce.

Once you think you’ve created enough… do twice as much… then do three times as much.

9 Tips for Creative Inspiration

Working in the creative industry can be fun, but eventually creative block happens to everyone. Staying inspired and keeping things fresh is key to successful design and marketing.

Your campaign is ready to go. You’ve crafted your content to meet the desires of your target audience, you’ve aligned your messages with the proof points of your brand…but hold on. There are still a few more things to do before you press GO and launch your campaign.

Here’s your pre-launch checklist:

Adjusting Your Product Line — concept illustration

For most companies, tweaking a product is often a natural part of doing business. Performing a product line adjustment offers companies the chance to recalibrate, enhance or create a new product for its customers. For example, Coke Zero recently changed its name and formula to become Coca-Cola Zero Sugar. Before your company jumps headlong into a product change, it’s important to understand the impact it can have on your brand and the role marketing can play in the process.

Your Guide to GDPR

You’ve probably heard the GDPR acronym, especially during Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s appearance before the United States Congress, but what exactly is it? More importantly, what does it mean?

What Is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law that gives residents of the European Union (EU) more control over their personal data with a focus on keeping the data secure. Enforcement of the GDPR went into effect May 28, 2018 and is applicable to every citizen of the EU and any business entity that transacts with them, regardless of the location of the business.