Pre-COVID-19, most industries were already moving away from brick-and-mortar–based operations and toward widespread adoption of digital technologies in manufacturing, sales and delivery of services and goods. There is ample evidence that the arrival of COVID-19 greatly accelerated the timetable and growing evidence that these new approaches and technologies will become permanent, as both supply chain and consumer demand pressures have changed in enduring ways.
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Parents have told their kids for generations…”Do your homework!” Got a big project or campaign on the horizon? Remember what your Momma told you, and do your research homework first.
At Innovative Advertising, we never stop questioning why something is happening or how to make it better. We’ve seen the results of effective research and know that consumer insights are at the heart of effective marketing.
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An advertising-specific landing page is designed to achieve a marketing outcome, like driving sales or collecting data. When users click, this is where they’ll land. If you want to turn site visitors into customers, make sure your landing page meets these criteria…
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Your campaign is ready to go. You’ve crafted your content to meet the desires of your target audience, you’ve aligned your messages with the proof points of your brand…but hold on. There are still a few more things to do before you press GO and launch your campaign.
Here’s your pre-launch checklist:
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In addition to credit card fraud and identity fraud, there’s a new kind of fraud to watch out for — ad fraud. Digital ad fraud, also known as Invalid Traffic (IVT), is the practice of fraudulently representing (or falsely inflating) online ad metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions or actions in order to generate revenue. Digital bots, or nonhuman digital traffic, are the main cause of ad fraud, resulting in more than $42 billion in advertising investment waste.
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Are you familiar with the concept of retargeting? I’ll bet it’s happened to you. You’re online shopping for an item…let’s say a new pair of shoes. You examine the features, check the price, you may even click to add it to your shopping cart, but you never complete the purchase. The next time you’re online you’re served an ad for that exact pair of shoes. Weird? Nope, that’s a form of retargeting.
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2017 is fast-approaching. And while you’re probably knee-deep in how to finish 2016 strong, now is also the time to start planning for what’s to come. Today, as many as 85% of small and mid-size companies make the mistake of operating based only on a budget. Without a well-designed marketing plan, you fail to establish guidelines and proper direction, as well as run the risk of being unable to successfully identify key performance indicators (KPI’s). To ensure your business can hit the ground running January 1st, you need to be asking (and answering) three key questions:
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