5 Things to Know Before Building a Mobile App

5 Things to Know Before You Invest in a Mobile App

There are over two million apps available for smartphone users, and the number will increase to three million soon. If you’re considering creating an app for your business, review these questions to determine if an app is the right choice for you.

  • Is it in your budget? Even a very simple app will cost around $20,000 to develop.
  • Will people use it?  A user needs to get enough value from the app to give up precious space on their device.
  • Does your business really need it? Unless you’re accessing device-specific hardware (such as cameras or gyroscope function) a mobile-optimized website might be a better choice.

With these questions answered, if you think an app is still the best option, here are five things to know before you invest in a mobile app.

1. Do Market Research

Find out what competition is out there. If your idea has competitors, research what they’re doing right and what they are not. Read the reviews of the other apps for likes and dislikes. Consider integrating some of the features or functionality that those reviewers are looking for into your app.

2. Add Value and Do Something Different

Unfortunately, the vast majority of apps are redundant and useless. An app must do more than just benefit your business. It must be truly useful or entertaining with a real benefit to users or it will not succeed.

3. Have a Clear Goal

From the beginning it’s important to know what you want your app to accomplish. This should be something that is not already being achieved by your existing website. The goal must make a strong selling point and give potential users the desire to download your app.

4. Know Your Target Audience

For your app to succeed you need downloads. To get downloads you’ve got to appeal to your customers. Make sure you know who those customers are and how they use their devices and design your user experience accordingly.

5. Plan for Updates

Successful apps continue to grow and evolve. Plan for updates and maintenance costs after launch. Even if your app is simple with no plans for future updates, you should still expect at least one update per year to keep pace with the changes in devices and operating systems.

David Rickman

David Rickman
Web Developer